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  • Writer's pictureCaroline Harding



Juxtaposed, layered, symbolic, jagged, sharp, round, sticky, witty, patterned, focused


Supporting materials

  • Scissors

  • X-Acto knife

  • Glue

  • Modge podge

  • Colored construction paper

  • Magazine paper

  • Tissue paper


Brands and associated quality/cost:



I created this paper collage using shapes that I cut out using scissors.

Associations this collage evokes: smooth, soft, slow, flowing, calm, and happy.

I created this paper collage using shapes that I tore out of the paper.

Associations this collage evokes: angry, excited, fast, nervous, unsure, sharp.


Other examples:

This is an 18" x 24" collage I created a few years ago of my dog Ellie. I layered a bunch of different types of papers, including toned mixed media, specialty collage paper, origami paper, and tissue paper, to create this image. When using water and glue, I was able to get papers with different opacities that layered quite nicely. When I created this image, I felt like I was painting with paper.


Safety/health considerations

If sharp tools such as scissors and cutting tools are used, care must be taken to prevent injuries, and young children should be given tools that are appropriate for their ages and developmental stage. Additionally, students should be instructed not to ingest glue and should be monitored to ensure that they comply with this rule.


Project ideas

Abstract paper shape collage

This project will ask students to create a collage using construction paper that expresses an emotion. The only rule is that they can only use lines and shapes, and it must be abstract. In this project, students will be challenged to think about how shapes, textures, colors, and lines can express emotion.


Accommodation possibilities

  • Adaptable scissors for students with fine motor challenges and a weaker grip strength

  • Students can be instructed to only tear the paper instead of cutting it

  • Gloves should be provided when handling glue for students with sensory issues


Appropriate age group and behavioral expectations

Collage is an accessible and developmentally appropriate medium for children of all ages. For younger students, I would focus on torn or cut called paper collages before exploring the magazine collage. However, I do believe that torn and cut colored paper collages can also be exciting for older students when they are pushed to explore the boundaries of what collage can do and be.


Artist resources:

Henri Matise

Henri Matisse was a French visual artist known for both his use of color and his fluid and original draughtsmanship. He was a draughtsman, printmaker, and sculptor but is known primarily as a painter. Matisse is commonly regarded, along with Pablo Picasso, as one of the artists who best helped to define the revolutionary developments in the visual arts throughout the opening decades of the twentieth century, responsible for significant developments in painting and sculpture. When ill health in his final years prevented him from painting, he created an important body of work in the medium of cut paper collage.

"The Parakeet and the Mermaid," by Henri Matisse, 1952. Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, and charcoal on white paper, 11′ 11/16 × 25′ 2 9/16 in.

"Blue Nude (I)," by Henri Matisse, 1952. Gouache painted paper cut-outs, 45.7 in × 35 in.


David Hockney

David Hockney is an English painter, draftsman, printmaker, stage designer, and photographer. As an important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. Hockney has experimented with painting, drawing, printmaking, watercolors, photography, and many other media, including a fax machine, paper pulp, computer applications, and iPad drawing programs. The subject matter of interest ranges from still lifes to landscapes, portraits of friends, his dogs, and stage designs for the Royal Court Theatre, Glyndebourne, and the Metropolitan Opera in New York City.

"Pearblossom Hwy., 11 - 18th April 1986, #2," by David Hockney, 1986. Chromogenic print and collage, 71 1/2 × 107 in.

"Skater (XIV Olympic Winter Games, Sarajevo) (Baggott 135)," by David Hockney, 1982. Offset lithograph printed in colors and collage 33 3/10 × 24 2/5 in.



The first project that I completed for this medium was to create a collage that described my gaze as an artist on popular media/culture content.

For this collage, I wanted to depict how being an artist has opened my eyes to what art can be and how we need to expand our social understanding of what art to allow other works to be appreciated as what they are. Growing up, art was a tool that allowed me to voice ideas and things that I didn’t feel like I could communicate any other way. because of my artistic background, I feel that everyone deserves to have their voice heard through their art.


For the next project based on Matisse work, I decided I wanted to create a sunflower because it is my favorite plant. I love how they aren’t as conventionally attractive, like roses, and how strong they are. I really like how they also always face towards the sun because of what that can symbolize in my work.

I started out with a variety of different colored papers.

Then, I went in and cut out different shapes of the sunflower using only my scissors and an x-acto knife.

After figuring out where I wanted them to be placed and making some last-minute adjustments, I glued everything down.

This is the final image that I created. I went back and added a series of hallos around the sunflower to emphasize the circular shape of the center.

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